What a blessing! A dear, Orthodox friend (an iconographer), recently gifted me an amazing icon of a saint whom I deeply revere, St. Gabriela (also known as Mother Gavrilia).
This Shining New Saint (whose feast day is March 28, civil calendar) saw Christ in everyone, and was imbued with sincere, simple, Christian love, and genuine humility.

Her life was and still is a verdant, precious, inspiring model to us all!
My goddaughter introduced me to The Ascetic of Love, a wonderful book, compiled from St. Gabriela’s letters, notes, and conversations over the years, including those closest to her later on, in the monastery. It’s one of my absolute go-to-favourite books, and I highly recommend everyone to read it if possible… but (warning), it’s hard to put down!
As I gaze into St. Gabriela’s holy icon, I’m prayerfully drawn into the spiritual depths of her kind eyes… seemingly full of great expectations from me. It’s like she’s lovingly, encouragingly, yet gently reprovingly, reminding me (who’s so quick to judge others and not myself), “The ball’s in your court, Barbara. Always in your court.”
Our soul is a Divine Breath. Our body is His Creation. In the whole of us we are the icon of God… When you have thought of criticism -judging others, ask God to take hold of you at that hour so that you can love that person as He loves. Then God will help you see your condition. If Christ were visible, could you criticize?… Three things are needful. First Love, Second Love, Third Love. ~ Quotes by St. Gabriela
Sharing a loving gift with you!
Icon of St. Gabriela (printable) .pdf
God bless you, Vera!
Through the holy intercessions of our Bright, Venerable and God-bearing Mother Gabriela the New Ascetic of Love, O Christ our God, have mercy on us, and save us! Amen!