Holy Mother Bríghde 

Greetings on today’s Feast Day of St. Brigid of Ireland and Forefeast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple!

Also, Happy St. Valentine’s Day… who is remembered both on February 14/1 and July 19/6.

St. Bríghde (Brigid or Bridget) is pronounced Breejya in Gaelic.

I composed these simple lyrics (the .pdf sheet music resides here) – to sing in praise and honour of 5th century St. Brigid of Ireland’s amazing life and miracles… to the tune of an ancient Irish folk melody (unknown origin) Gabhaim Molta Bride (I Give Praise to St. Brigid).

I delight in how instrumental St. Brigid was implementing educational and artistic centres… How she founded the spiritual community that bettered their county and country – through charity, hospitality, and medical support. I love how St. Brigid perceived Christ in everyone she met, and through the strength of her great faith and pure heart, performed – and continues to this very day… working miracles!

Apologies in advance, and I’ll just say it! My rustic singing in the audio recording below is a tad flat 🙁

Holy Mother Bríghde

Holy Mother Bríghde, Patroness of Ireland,

Filled with Divine Wisdom – let us venerate her!

Holy Mother Bríghde, scaling Virtue’s Summit,

Tethered to the Grace of God – bless us and protect!

Holy Mother Bríghde, Shining Light of Ireland,

Still bestowing Godly gifts – upon the needy.

Holy Mother Bríghde, Abbess of Kildare,

Heart and Hearth of Ireland – pray now to God for us!

St. Brigid Rush Cross woven by Irena
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