6th Day of Nativity

January 12 / December 30

Christ is Born!

Today is the feast of St. Anysia.

The feature image shows her Icon and Reliquary at St. Demetrius Church in Thessaloniki, Greece – photo taken in 2017.

We do not worship the relics of the martyrs, but honour them in our worship of Him whose martyrs they are. We honour the servants in order that the respect paid to them may be reflected back to the Lord. ~ St. Jerome (342 -420 AD)

Here below, is an Apolytikion – a Dismissal Hymn, chanted in different parts of daily services, summarizing each feast day. This Greek Apolytikion, is sung in honour of St. Anysia.

To a dear friend who’s blessed to have this wonderful patron saint. Happy Saint’s Day Anysia. Congratulations, and God grant you many years!

Glorify Him!

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