Icon of the Holy Trinity from Daniel’s recent baptism.
Great art Thou, O Lord, and wondrous are Thy works, and no word will suffice to hymn thy wonders. ~ Baptismal Service
Happy Eve of Nativity Day!
May the Light of Bethlehem’s Star 🌟 continue to illumine and warm our hearts on this coming Bright Feast of Christ’s Holy Nativity!
Past Nativity Posts’ Resources
Inside 4th Century Church of the Nativity, built over the Grotto where Jesus was born.

And so, the Nativity Hymns remind those praying how, during this memorable night, each creature hastened to bring its gift to the Saviour King: heaven – a star, the earth – a cave, the wilderness – a manger, the angels singing, the shepherds – worship, the Magi – gifts. Therefore, we too should not come to Him “empty-handed”, but should bring to Him what is more valuable than anything else – our pure, believing hearts. For the high God has appeared on earth, in order to raise us up to Heaven! ~ Bishop Alexander Mileant

Eve of Nativity Service at Compline & Matins
Jan. 6/25 (Dec. 24/24)