God’s Acre

A country jaunt after liturgy and lunch today, had us unexpectedly meandering through a beautiful, 150 year old church yard. The cemetery grounds literally burst with thousands of wild, starry blue Camas Lilies… which were my godmother’s favourite flower.

As we wandered knee-deep, through violet fields, accompanied by trills of birdsong, another melody with joyful words from the end of The Creed came to mind… “I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come. Amen!” What a blessing!

A rocky plaque on site read:

This place
Whereon thou standest is
Holy Ground
Act reverently – Cherish the flowers
This is God’s Acre

A cemetery is not a place where corpses are laid, but a place where the Resurrection awaits! ~ Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

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