Of Brightness and Glory

Thank you for sharing this uplifting quote, Melania!

As God is infinitely the greatest being, so He is allowed (recognized) to be infinitely the most beautiful and excellent; and all the beauty to be found throughout the whole creation, is but the reflection of the diffused beams of that Being Who hath infinite fullness of brightness and glory. ~ Schemamonk Constantine Cavarnos; Spiritual Beauty (The Nature of Virtue – Jonathan Edwards, 1960)

Long ago, in the 7th century, St. Caedmon heard angels praising God about Creation, and the saint penned what he heard. His poem is the oldest English poem in existence. As the original Northumbrian and Latin translations were aching to be adapted into a simpler, English read…. Here is my own translation and recording of St. Caedmon’s Creation Hymn of Praise.

Wishing my Blisswood Visitors Autumnal Joy!

And… may the sight of a crisp leaf dancing upon frosty winds, the refrains of gladsome birdsong, and the heartfelt perception of silent, celestial songs which dot the blue veil of night as a starry manuscript, inspire us to ponder each day or night, some aspect of Creation’s divine, and dazzling beauty.

Come! let us magnify our Holy, Blessed, Timeless Lord, and Father of Infinite Brightness and Glory!

Greenwood of Praise

An Ancient Forest Exudes Holiness

Through the Cross, Joy has to all the world! Let all the trees of the forest dance and sing, let all the trees clap their hands. ~ Sunday of the Cross

It was a beautiful, sunny autumn day when we recently revisited Cathedral Grove, an old haunt of ours from years past. We walked with an awe that never grows old – amongst those majestic 800+ year old giants of cedar and fir within this venerable greenwood. Sometimes, it seemed like the forest held its collective breath – until another gentle, spicy breeze would evoke a contented sigh of exhalation. Mysterious rustles in the bracken’s muted woodland paths beside the burbling creek were overridden with the steady staccato of sweet birdsong. Suddenly, a melodious thrush called out from the canopy high above, with a heartfelt, piercing trill of pure joy.

In bird lyrics, this is what it surely sang… O Lord, how wondrous are thy works! In Wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.~ Psalm 104:24


Discovering the Extraordinary

Salal Leaf in Recent Holiday Table Bouquet

In our spiritual vision we are not only to see each thing in sharp relief, standing out in all the brilliance of its specific being, but we are also to to see each thing as transparent: in and through each created thing we are to discern the Creator...

The contemplation of nature has two correlative aspects. First, it means appreciating the “thusness” or “thisness” of particular things, persons and moments. We are to see each stone, each leaf, each blade of grass, each frog, each human face, for what it truly is, in all the distinctness and intensity of its specific being. As the prophet Zephaniah warns us, we are not to “despise the day of small things” (4:10). “True mysticism” says Olivier Clément, “is to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary.”

~ Metropolitan Kallistos Ware: The Orthodox Way.

Rising Up Through the Cracks

Greetings on the Afterfeast of the Ascension!

I’m always rooting for those hardy Sweet Alyssum seed volunteers (dispersed from last year’s window-boxes) that rise up through the cracks in our patio walkway! They emerge. They flourish. Their appearance softens and beautifies the terrace flagstones. They become part of the whole.

A reward is bestowed for a conflict, and no one speaks of a victory where there is no struggle. ~ St. Isaac the Syrian

Do not be cast down over the struggle – the Lord loves a brave warrior. The Lord loves the soul that is valiant. ~ St. Silouan the Athonite

The heavier the burdens we’ve got to lift in this world, the greater God’s blessing will be… ~ Elder Symeon Kragiopoulos

Don’t let anything deprive you of Hope. ~ St. Nektarios of Aegina

Like impossibly fragile plants, people too (with God’s help), become as valiant Seedlings of Light… breaking through seemingly impossible barriers – to grow, and flourish, despite whatever they’re buried beneath.

Nature’s resilience is amazing.

People’s resilience is astounding!

Jesus said… “with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26

May we too, with the help of Creation’s Planter, ascend like the fragrant, sweet alyssum, to blossom forth – through the personal flagstones of life!

Spiritual Springtime

Velvet Pansies and Shy Violets Peep Out From Our Window Box
How to Make Old-fashioned Candied Violets

…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. ~ 2 Peter 3:18

Lent is a spiritual springtime… The world of nature is coming alive round us during the Lenten season. And this should be a symbol of what is to happen in our own hearts. The dawning of springtime… We shouldn’t just have a negative idea of repentance, as feeling sorry, gloomy and somber about our failings. But repentance, rather, is new hope. An opening flower. How our lives can, by God’s grace, be changed. ~ Metropolitan Kallistos Ware

As the field is adorned by a multitude of flowers, so should the field of my own soul be adorned by all the flowers of virtue ~ St. John of Kronstadt, My Life in Christ

If you do not shatter and empty your Ego, how will you make room for God?… God’s gifts to us blossom only if watered with the water of Love… Those who love can do only beautiful things. ~ St. Gavrilia

Heading towards the end of the second week of Great Lent, I’m hunkering down and holding fast (with God’s help), hoping to cultivate the spiritual springtime’s fragrant flowers of virtue, and to Blossom Forth!

Ocean of Love

Detail of Shell Mosaic, Angel Wing, by Marie

…whatever passes along the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! ~ Psalm 8:8-9

When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you… the hard trials that come will not hurt you. ~ Isaiah 43:2

The soul cannot get enough of beholding the beauty of nature. Oh, if man would only lift his mind above this earthly realm to the Heavenly Jerusalem, to the inconceivable beauty of Paradise where the finite, earthly mind ceases to operate… There every saved soul will live in an ocean of love, sweetness, joy, amazement, and wonder! ~ Elder Ephraim, Arizona Monastery

Perceiving Divine Simplicity

Boulevard Snowdrop Flowers Signal the Nascence of Spring

Love all creation, the whole of it and every grain of sand within it. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. ~ Staretz Zosima; The Brothers Karamazov – by Fyodor Dostoevsky

…See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. ~ St. Matthew 6:28-29

All created things are marked with the seal of the Trinity... The contemplation of nature has two correlative aspects. First, it means appreciating the “thusness” or “thisness” of particular things, persons and moments. We are to see each stone, each leaf, each blade of grass, each frog, each human face, for what it truly is, in all the distinctness and intensity of its specific being. As the prophet Zechariah warns us, we are not to “despise the day of small things” (4:10). “True mysticism”, says Olivier Clément, “is to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary.” ~ Metropolitan  Kallistos Ware; The Orthodox Way

Even during a simple walk, it’s a mystery how easily the Great can be seen in the Small. Whether it be stoic flowers bursting through cement cracks, or a cheery family of four snowdrops, popping up like unexpected company – on a grassy boulevard.

God’s beautiful gift of nature is all around us.

All we have to do is to see what we’re looking at.

Happy Saint’s Day Zoe! God grant you many years!


Aquarium Photo of Jellyfish ~ Shared by Ellie

Scripture Art – Psalm 148

Happy Family Day to my kith and kin… by blood, heart and Holy Spirit.

PTL = 🎵 Praise the Lord! 🎵


The Beauty of the Wilderness

Celebrating the beauteous gift of simplicity!

Detail of Heath and Fir on Moss feature photo by Juliana, and shared along with a lovely verse from the Psalter.

The beauty of the wilderness shall grow lush… ~ 9th Kathisma, Psalter

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