I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. ~ Psalm 69:30
Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.
God is your creator, deliverer, supreme benefactor, and good provider, He created you just as He gives you every good thing, since without His goodness you could not live even for a minute. You do not see your Benefactor with these eyes, but you see the benefits He has given you. You see the sun, the moon, and His stars which illumine you. You see the fire that warms you and cooks your food. You see the food which satisfies you, you see the clothing by which your naked body is covered. You see all other countless blessings which He gave you for your needs and comfort. Seeing, then, and receiving these benefits, remember your unseen Benefactor everywhere and always with love, and thank Him for all His benefits with a pure heart. ~ St. Tikhon of Zadonsk