My Music Vids

The 4th and last verse of my Christmas poem sung by our parish youth choir. Candy Cane is written to the 16th century French Folk Song melody, “Une Jeune Pucelle” (which the Huron Carol is based on). Full poem found here on Blisswood. The Candy Cane is a favourite of our parish youth choir. Wishing you joy, health, and His Peace from above for 2025.

St. Sophia Parish Youth Choir Virtually Sing Nativity Tropar
After hearing this beautiful Romanian Carol (Cetinita, Cetioara) melody, we rewrote it in English, hoping to preserve its essence. Sung at the 2014 Nativity Concert – St. Sophia Orthodox Church; Mosaics from church. Lyrics © m. Barbara Bruce; Music arranged by r. Lucas Corwin. Some stills from Pixabay and video from
St. Sophia Orthodox Church Youth Choir “Voices of Faith, Hope and Love” performing a “2020 *Virtual* Nativity Concert”. This project was a blessing which came to fruition through the conglomerate efforts of many. Unable to meet or sing together during the restrictions, we joyfully joined hearts in Spirit and sang from our homes. This is a Nativity the youth will long remember… Not because of the pandemic’s difficult circumstances, but because they were together in harmony even when apart. The separate pieces were recorded individually and combined to form the *virtual* choir. “Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Christ comes from heaven, meet ye Him!” We wish you joy, hope, love, and His Peace from Above.
Our parish sings this 16th Century Coventry Carol from St. Matthew 2:16-18; recorded 2014
Happy St. Nicholas Day! December 19/6. Greetings. Sung by the GG’s
Each Dawn, a Blessing!
Voices of Faith Hope and Love: St. Sophia Orthodox Church Virtual Youth Choir sing *Lord Have Mercy* “an anytime prayer song” ~ Great Lent 2021
A short prayer sung by the GG’s

Icons of 5th Century  St. Patrick often show him holding a three-leafed shamrock growing on a single stem, he used this to illustrate the Holy Trinity – our One God in Three Persons. St. Patrick wrote many hymns. Above is an excerpt from a beautiful, longer hymn. “I bind unto myself today, the Strong Name of the Trinity! By Invocation of the same, the Three in One, and One in Three!” 

Holy Mother Bríghde

St. Bríghde (Brigid or Bridget) is pronounced Breejya in Gaelic. Her Feast Day is February 14/1. I composed these simple lyrics (the .pdf sheet music resides here) – to sing in praise and honour of 5th century St. Brigit of Ireland’s amazing life and miracles… to the tune of an ancient Irish folk melody (unknown origin) Gabhaim Molta Bride (I Give Praise to St. Brigid).
Directly below, is my rustic audio recording.

Voices of Faith Hope and Love: St. Sophia Orthodox Church Virtual Youth Choir sing *Son Rise* “a Paschal song, lyrics by an 8 year old student many years ago ~ newly recorded for Pascha 2021
Our Youth and Adult Choir Sing Together Before Paschal Feast
Truly He is Risen!

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