Detail of Parish Mosaic Icon – St. Bail the Great
…that will be St. Basil’s Feast; rejoice!
One of my favourite quotes from St. Basil the Great ~ A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
May we all plant a Perennial Crop of Kindness and Share the Harvest from the Garden of God’s Love!
Happy St. Basil’s Day – January 14/1
Greetings on the Feast – with St. Basil the Great Quotes
St. Basil’s Day Cake Recipe
Sharing our parish choir’s (a cappella) 2014 recording of the Christmastide Carol – We Wish You Good Evening. We sing of the coming 3 feasts! Holy Nativity, St. Basil the Great’s Day, and Holy Theophany.
O rejoice all the world, the Son of God is born!