
High water mark on local beach, with a vibrant collection of organic debris.

Seek what suffices, seek what is enough, and don’t desire more. Whatever goes that beyond produces anxiety not relief: it will weigh you down instead of lifting you up. ~ St. Augustine

A true person with all his energy, spiritual first of all, struggles to simplify life, to understand what he lives by. Man wants to and must fight to get out of the maze… with all his temptations. A person who makes the purpose of his life the accumulation of property and money is a weak person, he is a victim of the evil one. Having acquired wealth, he gains the fear of losing them, becomes not their master, but a thoughtless guardian of the false treasures… Instead of keeping the word of the Lord, which is the essence of life, he keeps the fake treasures… and thus betrays himself…. ~Archimandrite Justin Parvu

The condition of our surroundings often seem to reflect our state of mind.

I lie here in corners, trussed and piled so high, And in chests I am locked so fast, I cannot stir; in packs low I lie. ~ says ‘Goods’ to ‘Everyman’ (from Everyman: a 15th century English morality play)

Is an item useful? Does it bring glory to God? Does the memory associated with this item instill simplicity of beauty and peace within my Christian home? There is indeed a spiritual benefit… of quiet calmness, which permeates a clean and orderly home.

For indeed, a house is a little church… ~ St. John Chrysostom

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