Our Self-Sown Wild-Garden’s Seating Area -2012
Happy Clean Monday – the first day of Great Lent!
The springtime of the Fast has dawned, the flower of repentance has begun to open. O brethren, let us cleanse ourselves from all impurity. And sing to the Giver of Light: Glory be to Thee, who alone lovest mankind. ~ Aposticha Vespers Cheesefare Week
What does Lent have to do with flowers?
The word ‘Lent’ comes from the Old English word ‘lechten’, which means ‘spring season’… and Lent is a Spiritual Spring; a time of hope, regeneration and new beginnings.
Through internal quietude, contemplation, and reviewing our heart’s desires, Lent helps us let God in again, to make our life lighter and brighter. It helps recharge our spiritual batteries.
May we cultivate buds of virtue – through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving… wending our way through the green pastures of the Holy Spirit.
The Lenten Spring has come! Flowers of repentance are opening!
Let us begin our Great Lenten journey together in spirit, singing praises to the Giver of Light!