Hawaiian River 2018
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ ~ John 7:38
We see the water of a river flowing uninterruptedly and passing away, and all that floats on its surface, rubbish or beams of trees, all pass by. Christian! So does our life… I was an infant, and that time has gone. I was an adolescent, and that too has passed. I was a young man, and that too is far behind me. The strong and mature man that I was is no more. My hair turns white, I succumb to age, but that too passes; I approach the end and will go the way of all flesh. I was born in order to die. I die that I may live. Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom! ~St. Tikhon of Voronezh
God descends to the humble as waters flow down from the hills into the valleys. ~ St. Tikhon of Voronezh
As a fish cannot swim without water, and as a bird cannot fly without air, so a Christian cannot advance a single step without Christ. ~ St. Gregory of Nazianzus