Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Nativity scene painted on an oyster shell, from a dear friend.

Today the Creator of Time – the Timeless One – the Unoriginate – has a Beginning.

Today – the Word becomes Incarnate.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Greetings on the Joyous Feast of the Holy Nativity of Jesus Christ !

He was a Baby,
He was a Child,
So that you might be a
Perfect person;
He was wrapped
In swaddling clothes,
That you might be
Loosed from the snares of death;
He was in a manger,
That you might be
In the altar;
He was on earth,
That you might be
Among the stars.
He had no place at the inn,
That you might have
Many mansions in the Heavens.
~ St. Ambrose of Milan 339-397 A.D.

This day He who Is, is Born; and He
who Is becomes what He was not.
~ St. John Chrysostom 347-407 A.D.

Christ is born; Glorify Him! Christ comes from heaven; meet ye Him! Christ is on earth; be ye exalted! O all the earth, sing unto the Lord! And sing praises in gladness, O ye people, for He hath been glorified! ~ An ancient hymn composed by St. Gregory the Theologian (329 AD – 390 AD)

Greetings on this first day of Christmastide!

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